Trish Cameron 50-70
In honour of farming wives and the tough but rewarding lives they live.
My mother, raised in Drumborg Vic, 1 of 10 children lived on a large dair farm in a strict hardworking unforgivable environment wit ha father returned from the war. First chance to leave, she then lived in Mundulla, then Glenroy, Millicent and Mount Gambier with our father over her lifetime.
She could do everything a dutiful wife and mother would, and anything a man could.
I appreciated this more after she passed away, when I was told by an old friend of hers, that she admired and respected my mother so much; as when she first met her and knew her in early days of marriage and living on farms in SA, mum would kill the sheep and fowl for the family to eat. I don’t think she did that for long as my father was quite capable, it was just that she could and did so, if needed. Providing for your family change dover the many years, but she still would’ve done anything she could to fulfill our various needs.