Kerrie Head 50-70 4326/27
As a young girl growing up and living in Morwell, Victoria, with grandparents living in Seacliff, South Australia, I remember travelling, days and days to the other ‘end of the world’ to visit them. One occasion I recall, we came along the Great Ocean Road, to Mount Gambier, visiting the biggest blue like I had seen, I recall asking why it was so blue’ and why can’t we swim in it? at almost 8 years old, I never did get answered! As I think about, telling tales, I still wonder how the lake is so blue and how, as I of 5 kids and, two adults we all fitted into the little round caravan we travelled hundreds of miles in, passing through Mount Gambier! I never imagined for one moment, I would become a local, sitting in Yahl, and being able to “ tell my tale”.