Aunty Michelle Jacquelin-Furr 70+ 4274/75
The Aboriginal people have been here for over 60,000 years. Using universal symbols I am reflecting on the life of my ancestor Annie Brice, an Aboriginal women born at PinaNgula (Panola) and showing her journey during her life time on Boandik country from PineNgula to Berrin (Mount Gambier) to Ngaranga (Port MacDonnell)
The stitching depicts the sites and travelling, the heavy rains of the region (symbol), the numerous water holes (symbol) – Bool Lagoon, Picanninie ponds, Ewans ponds and other smaller water holes across the region and the sea (symbol), from Ngaranga (Port MacDonell) along the coast to Wirmal Ngrang (Beach Port). The Boandik lived off the land and this piece is the history of the Brice, Jacquelin, Holmes, Sims, Hanel, Stegelman and Wilson families from Boandiki Mraat (Boandik country)
Aunty Michelle Jacquelin-Furr Boandik elder.